Wednesday 2 July 2014

Christmas shopping continues...

Next up - My Mother in Law!
My mother in law and I share a mutual love of bedtime rituals. Have I mentioned I'm mildly obsessed with sleep? Pretty sure I have. I'm going to do a post on it.
The ritual includes; hot water bottles, tea, candles and books. I recently got a electric blanket with Tesco vouchers and it is AMAZING, upon discussing this (whilst filling our hot water bottles at their house on night) she mentioned she really really wants one and knows she would love it. Hint taken!
She might go buy one, but I am going to hold off until August and see how many Tesco vouchers we have and get one for her! I think I will only have like £2 but better than me spending that £2! Once I get I'll tell Father in law and hopefully he can hold her off! Electric blanket I have HERE:

Christmas list, people left:
My Dad (saw a jacket for him)
My Mum
Father in Law
2 x older nephews (likely cash, usually £20, although I'm thinking of putting it down to £10? Too cheap? There are nieces and nephews popping out everywhere now, it is starting to get too much, so I'm going to suggest a £10 for everyone rule)
3 x toddler niece and nephews (above £10 rule)


1 comment:

  1. Ooh, what a lovely cosy Christmas present, perfect. I'm a huge fan of sleep too and I'm somewhat OBSESSED with pyjamas - nice PJs make me really, really happy. :-)
