Thursday 17 July 2014

Christmas continues with some healthy eating

Hi All,
No money saving, no DIY jobs. Nothing. What a crap blog this is turning out to be!

My posting has become minimal on all forums, of any sort, and considering Mr Mars and I are emigrating abroad next month, and move out of our house in 3.5 weeks time, it looks like posting will be minimal for the foreseeable future.

We are haemorrhaging money, which is another issue altogether. But the focus for the minute is to get some visas and make it out of the country. My simple mind can only focus on one thing at a time.

We leave next month to travel across America for over a month before we then move to the other side of the world. I am terrified. My unorganised self has gone too far this time. We have our flights booked, where we got the bargain of the century (I will dedicate a post to these flights) and we are staying in a rather nice hotel in Chicago (also bargain buy - the perks of having jobs where Mr Mars and I travelled a lot). But beyond that we have nothing planned. NOTHING. Is anyone else panicking about this for me? As I think someone should be!


So, as you know, I am trying to get some Christmas presents sorted before we go. I know this is the last thing I should be thinking about - but sometimes crazy people need something to occupy their mind. This is my thing.

So, the author of this book happens to live where I grew up and works in the building next to me. He has a sign up in the building promoting the book and if you want it signed he will come meet you to do so - how nice is that? Obviously promoting the book, but I still think it's nice.

My Father-in-law is very into books. He loves thrillers and especially likes books that are by local or Scottish authors. I know this as I borrow most of his books after him, and every time I do, I get all the details on where the author lives and where the books are based, so I just know he is going to love this gift:

So I've ordered the book and am going to get him to write a personalised message for my Father-in-law. I've not decided whether it will 100% be for Christmas so I'll get the author to write "hope you enjoy your gift". Generic and covers me for any occasion. Mr Mars wants a copy too, but at £10 a book he can borrow his dads!

Healthy Eating:

My eating has been pretty bad recently, just with everything going on. I really notice it in my energy levels and exercise. So last night Mr Mars went out and bought a super-food extravaganza!

We had a rainbow salad with quinoa, topped with organic Herby Olive Oil (I bought a bottle, along with some organic balsamic vinegar in a little shop in North Scotland and it is HEAVEN), we then had some piri piri hummus and normal hummus with it and mini pittas. I was so hungry I forgot to take a photograph...

We then had some fresh blueberries with some Mango flavoured natural yogurt - this was my dessert (check out the vintage bowls that were my grans):

YUM. Today my mate is taking me for lunch. I, of course, forgot about this and brought in lunch. Have I mentioned I am unorganised? I seriously think I need to bring the file-o-fax back into my life. But he is infamous for cancelling so I would rather have my backup pasta which I can eat tomorrow than not bring anything. Need to try and retain some control over our finances at the minute.


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