That might be hard to believe for some of you, as I have mentioned (somewhere?) that I am training for a marathon. But I’m not referring to my training, more around the house. The marathon seems to have given me an excuse to get lazy around the house. I run therefore I do not need to hover. Makes sense thought, right? RIGHT?!?! No. It does not make sense.
I’ve noticed that the mess that is accumulating
in our bedroom – the supposed sanctuary. Clean bed clean head - is that the
phrase? The mess normally gets moved to the spare room, but an impromptu visitor
last week meant I cleaned the spare bedroom. BUT in doing so moved the mess to
our bedroom. Does moving the mess to another room count as cleaning? No, it
does not.
Anyway, I plant to do the following:
1) The no excuses Win Today and Win Tomorrow checklist, this is
more fitness focused (where you complete a checklist the night before, i.e.
make lunch, layout gym gear etc. or complete a checklist during the day, i.e.
drink water, ate a healthy snack etc.) but I feel this will help me get
organised with the house AND running. They break things down into small steps.
They also do very inspiring podcasts, too. If you need pumped up or are feeling sorry for yourself listen to these guys, seriously, they really are great at not making you feel bad, but at the same time inspiring you. I listen just because I like feeling awesome about myself.
They also do very inspiring podcasts, too. If you need pumped up or are feeling sorry for yourself listen to these guys, seriously, they really are great at not making you feel bad, but at the same time inspiring you. I listen just because I like feeling awesome about myself.
2) Fly Lady: Your house did not get dirty/cluttered in a
day - it won’t get clean in a day. So she suggests every day, pick a zone and do
15 minutes in that zone. But every night, you do your dishes and shine your
sink. Every. Night. I have did this before and it works (for me anyway). After
the wedding when my house descended into absolute CHAOS (I ain’t lying), I set
my alarm for 15 minutes and would stop once the alarm goes…within a week one
room was sorted. Too about a month but I got my house into order.