Monday, 30 June 2014


I’ve been getting Lazy.

That might be hard to believe for some of you, as I have mentioned (somewhere?) that I am training for a marathon. But I’m not referring to my training, more around the house. The marathon seems to have given me an excuse to get lazy around the house. I run therefore I do not need to hover. Makes sense thought, right? RIGHT?!?! No. It does not make sense.

I’ve noticed that the mess that is accumulating in our bedroom – the supposed sanctuary. Clean bed clean head - is that the phrase? The mess normally gets moved to the spare room, but an impromptu visitor last week meant I cleaned the spare bedroom. BUT in doing so moved the mess to our bedroom. Does moving the mess to another room count as cleaning? No, it does not.

Anyway, I plant to do the following:

1) The no excuses Win Today and Win Tomorrow checklist, this is more fitness focused (where you complete a checklist the night before, i.e. make lunch, layout gym gear etc. or complete a checklist during the day, i.e. drink water, ate a healthy snack etc.) but I feel this will help me get organised with the house AND running. They break things down into small steps.

They also do very inspiring podcasts, too. If you need pumped up or are feeling sorry for yourself listen to these guys, seriously, they really are great at not making you feel bad, but at the same time inspiring you. I listen just because I like feeling awesome about myself.

Snippet of the Win Tomorrow sheet:

2) Fly Lady: Your house did not get dirty/cluttered in a day - it won’t get clean in a day. So she suggests every day, pick a zone and do 15 minutes in that zone. But every night, you do your dishes and shine your sink. Every. Night. I have did this before and it works (for me anyway). After the wedding when my house descended into absolute CHAOS (I ain’t lying), I set my alarm for 15 minutes and would stop once the alarm goes…within a week one room was sorted. Too about a month but I got my house into order.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Bounce Back Tiger

Okay. Mr Mars and I are emigrating! Looking to be end of August, we have a country, but we have no idea where we are going go live. The visas will hopefully be sorted soon. I'm trying not to talk about this too much until it is certain but it was always on the cards (see here).
Instead of thinking about packing up my life, I'm thinking about Christmas...
Mr Mars and I stopped doing presents for anyone unless you are a parent or under 21.  We had to draw the line somewhere - it was getting ridiculous! And I might have mentioned; I do not handle stress well. There was also the small matter of DEBT and having no money. Stress free and helped the debt. Best decision ever to stop presents!
Anyway, since we will be away and since I have some ideas I have decided to start looking into Christmas presents. I don't want to be shipping stuff from abroad as soon as we have arrived.
Last night, I was too cool and stayed at my parents. After I drank all their red wine I made a midnight purchase of the following from the Early Learning Centre for my unborn niece/nephew.  I don't like spending a lot on babies as they don't know any different!!! I do like interactive toys, like things they can touch or listen to, or things that involve water or ball pits etc. Or presents where they can skelp themselves in the face...

How organised am I? Get it on Monday and will wrap it and leave it with my sister.

1 down, 8 to go...

Saturday, 28 June 2014

It is the weekend! Time for some dark chocolate and raspberry muffins!

Morning All!

What a crazy week I have had. Anyway, I love a Saturday morning. You feel like you have the whole weekend ahead of you (all two days of it).

My weekend can be summarised like this:

Last night my work put free drinks on for everyone, you know, and then pretended they had not made 10, yes TEN (I thought it was 6 or 7), people redundant during the week. Fortunately I did not know the area (or anyone) that was impacted, but still, it is a horrible thing. I had some free drinks and a good catch up with some people. Believe it or not, it was nice.

I came home to Mr Mars who had made a sausage casserole (vegetarian sausage) and dark chocolate and raspberry muffins - picture below. They were delicious. A tad overdone but the moist raspberries in the inside made up for this. In doing so he used up some raspberries that were about to go off and some dark chocolate that has sat in our fridge for quite some time. High five for lack of wastage Mr Mars!

This morning I have put a wash out, just made some fresh coffee (I ground the beans and everything), have I mentioned Mr Mars and I are coffee and tea snobs? Comes from us both having worked in coffee shops during our uni days. I'll put a picture up another time, but if you want a good coffee in Glasgow you need to go to this place called Papercup. YUM. 

I'm just about to top up my GiffGaff mobile phone account. Then once my coffee fix kicks in and I am suitably wired, I'm planning on heading out for a run! :o)

Then it is off to Mr Mars' parents to celebrate his Dad's birthday and a belated Father's day. I need to buy cards. Going to possibly use the card below as a Father's day card. Because it is random and cool and I want to. Then off out for some dinner tonight!

Tomorrow we are off to Knockhill race circuit to watch some motorbikes...vvvvvrooooom! Don't know what Knockhill is? Link HERE. I'll hopefully get some pictures.

In amongst this I have been de-cluttering and offloading any item of clothing I remotely do not like/wear to the homeless shelter. I can hear the clothes quivering in the drawers with fear. It is time to get ruthless, people. If I do not have it, I cannot be lazy and just chuck it on. People have noticed a change in me already. You look well, they have said. All because I have been making the effort to put on my better clothes that suit and fit me and were not hand me downs, freebies or 20 years old. This and putting on some cheap Beauty UK eyeshadow. Do you know how many people commented on my eyeshadow? That I got for free, but even to buy only costs like £2.99?!? I was wearing earth child if anyone is interested. Pretend to be interested, please.

And that is this weekend's round up! Links, photos and all! I'm a good blogger aren't I?


Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Cancelled lunch, a Lush purchase and a BAD surprise

I'm still oh so tired. I'll try and be up beat.

I was going to bring in lunch today. But a friend said they were going to treat me to lunch (I paid last time). I pondered over taking something in case they cancelled but then thought "it would be a waste".

Obviously I subconsciously knew my friend better than I think, as he cancelled on me this morning. Completely understandable, I ain't perfect, but this left me without lunch. And having to buy lunch. Grrrr when I could have flipping brought it in for free. I've been buying a lot of food recently (one breakfast, lunch and a dinner = a lot for a debt free wannabe). So am keen to avoid this when I can.

So I decided to take this opportunity of a free lunch hour and having to go out AGAIN to buy lunch AND to change my name on some of my accounts and get myself organised. Something I have been keen to address in my continuing attempt at being organised. I already had my marriage licence on me so decided to nip round the banks and get my details updated. I have about 5 different names AND addresses. Things like this do not help someone who already resides in the land of chaos.

Cashier: Can you confirm you address please?
Me: Can you give me a clue - what county have you got...?
Cashier: This is not who wants to be a Millionaire.

I also nipped into Lush (oops). I have ran out of Dry Shampoo so purchased this Lush one that I had heard wonders about. Does not help that I am already a lush addict, any excuse really. £3.25. Smells of lemon and grapefruit. Lush.

I rarely buy toiletries (partly because I am trying to clear out approximately 1,127,584 that live in my house and also because I got so many for free recently). But I use dry shampoo a lot. I love it. I have a mane that resembles a baby horse - I need all the help I can get keeping it under control.

All in all a productive lunch hour. Good purchase made. And some organisation sorted out. I feel clean and not just from the dry shampoo...

THEN, when you are skipping along feeling clean and organised. BAM.

You get back to work to be hauled into a meeting and told of 7 redudancies that have been made. Imagine, me, colour draining from my face, as I look down at my STUPID lunch time purchase. When I could have been skipping back to the office without a job.

I feel sick. I don't really feel this week is going to plan so I intend to get through it in a blur of red wine and lattes.


Dragons and challenge event supporting!

My oh my. I am tired. I am so so tired.

I just had to turn "Can't pay? We'll take it away!" over as I started crying. That is heartbreaking. I understand people have bought things when they have not had the money - but to throw them out of their HOME? Breaks my heart. A solider as well - who risked his life for this country, thrown out onto the street. HEART BREAKING.

Moving off the sombre start...

Spent the weekend supporting my brother in one of these challenge events - where you walk/crawl/run/hike a ridiculous distance. Never mind him, he is fine, I am the one who is beat up and exhausted.

I feel like I have wrestled a Bear. I might have. After 48 hours of sleep deprivation I can't be sure whether those Bears I saw were hallucinations or real... I'm pretty sure they were hallucinations as I saw Dragons too, and unless I live in an episode of Game of Thrones, I don't think Dragons are real... are they?

Either way I am here to tell the tale, so I must have won :o)

Check this out, I have competition:

How cool is that? I took a moment for me to establish whether it was real or another hallucination, but when I realised it was real, I nearly crashed swinging in to get the picture! Blogging knows no boundaries! 

Another cool moment was this...

Can you see him? Let's try again...

A lone piper practicing his bag piping in the middle of the Highlands... it was too cool! How often does that happen? Eh? Let me tell you, not very often. Not. Very.

Lastly, another couple of beautiful pictures at a crossing, I loved this lone white cottage sitting there in amongst the most beautiful setting. Ohhhh to one day live somewhere like that! 

Imagine living here and then having this bridge and river right beside you...

And lastly, Mr Mars waiting on Brother Mars...hiding from Midgies:


Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Wordless Wednesday (kind of)

Standing. Eating my breakfast on a pillar. Because the passport office won't let you in with food and drink...

So you go back outside. You stand by that pillar and eat your breakfast with the pigeons in the car park.

Nobody puts blueberry muffin in a corner.


Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Bag strip tease! Dah da Dah da...


I was given a £50 voucher for a large department store. Which means GUILT FREE SHOPPING. Mr Mars also got one, but he bought a coffee bean grinder with his. Because he is a coffee pervert. Although I cannot slag him too much as I actually get some benefit out of his spend.

I had already bought a top with it and as it is going to expire soon so I was looking for a treat to buy myself. Because I'm awesome and I deserve treats. But really because Mr Mars are moving soon so it needs to be spent before we go (I divulge more on this when I know it).

I love a plain, simple, classic envelope clutches. I've had my eye on a few. None within budget. Yes, I have budgets.

This one popped up in the sale, within budget AND I luuuuuuurve navy. It's so sheek. So classic. How can a colour be classic? Trust me, it can.

So my bag strip tease. It felt like a present and technically it was, but we all know it is not the same when you buy it yourself!

Dah da Dah da...

Dah da Dah da...

Dah Dah Dah DOOP Dah...

And a naughty peek inside, shhhh.

I love the inside, this will (obviously) be for nights out so I love that I can put my cards etc in the bag instead of taking it with me. Although I have a gorgeous Coach purse (crazy debt days) that would match it perfectly.


Monday, 16 June 2014

Fruit and strawberry crunch madness

Hi All,

I have got my backside into action, recently. Been exercising, eating fruit similar to quantities I can only imagine a Fruit Bat eats or a Fruitarian. Why? Who knows why, but best to go with the flow and ride this one out. No doubt the chocolate is lurking around the corner ready to squish my banana into oblivion at any moment.

So today, I got up before work, and hung a washing out (see below, please ignore the moss and weeds on paving stones, we are waiting for ONE weekend without rain to then clean and jet wash the paving stones). High five for housework. I will be a good wife. I will.

I packed up some travel toiletries (see the ones I was gifted by a friend) and ran into work, where I took a lovely long HOT and FREE shower courtesy of my work.

I ate an out-of-date fruit salad – why would you let an M&S fruit salad go out of date? ESPECIALLY when it cost an eye watering £2.25? Because I thought it was best before 16th NOT 14th, but some bad fruit is hardly going to harm me…is it? IS IT?!?! No, I didn’t think so either.

Due to aforementioned health kick, I purchased a large quantity of fruit and veg for work. Lunch was some leftover frittata (veg sausage, broccoli & potato) on a salad with Thousand Island dressing.

Tesco spend today: £9.78. On fruit and veg. No wonder we have an obesity epidemic going on. A six pack of crisps costs £1. Anyway…what is REALLY annoying is I paid 75p on a strawberry crunch bar as my treat and I LEFT IT AT THE CHECKOUT. I might as well have thrown 75p away…or bought a 6 pack of crisps….

The cheap-ass in me could not let this go. My money is precious these days, if it is not going on a conscious purchase it should be going to charity. So I nipped back in and explained to someone at customer services. They then got a manager who then had to ask the staff if anyone had cleared anything away from the self-service desk (thank goodness it was a small Tesco). But hooray for the happy ending, a girl confirmed to the manager that she had cleared my strawberry crunch bar away and put it back on the shelf. So, I showed my receipt (confirming I had actually paid for it) and was allowed to take said strawberry crunch bar away. We then all skipped off into the sunset and lived happily ever after. The End.

Tah Dah:

And lastly, dinner. Half a pizza with Mr Mars and some left over spag bol and pasta from yesterday whilst watching Gangster Squad on DVD, YUM:


Sunday, 15 June 2014

Free food and a brooch repair

Hello Bloggers!

Happy Father's Day! I'm down visiting my Mum and Dad. We got him an electric blanket, I know he is going to absolutely love it and for some reason my mum has never bought him one...well, now I have! Mr Mars' Dad is going to get taken out for a fancy meal in conjunction with Mr Mars' Mum's birthday!

My mum is cooking us dinner so nice to not have to cook and have dinner made for you! And it's free! 

Talking about free meals (see what I did there), there ain't nothing better than a free meal! I was second in a competition recently (I didn't even mean to be, I'm just naturally awesome, obvs) and the prize was a free meal. 

I was late showing up to the meal (unorganised) so I forgot to take any pictures - bad blogging. But I snaffled a picture of desert! Chocolate brownies and custard - it tasted as good as it looked! YUM! We even got a Starbucks for free as part of the free meal. It was sooooo much fun! 

Saturday Mr Mars and I went to IKEA, as I had found a tool to assist in my organisational/tidying plan and had to purchase it. I'll hopefully put that plan into action tonight and take a picture for you all! You know you want to see it.

I also repaired a brooch I had bough during my travels in New Zealand. The back had broke off it (que tears) but it was easily repaired. I love putting this on a little black blazer to spruce it up.


Mid repair:

After being left on the window sill to dry overnight (I put a lot if glue on the back); Tah Dah!


Friday, 13 June 2014

Old candle pieces + recycled jar = new free candle!

What do you get when you melt old candle bits and put them into an old jar? No, it is not a trick question. A brand new candle!

Take some old candle bits and melt them in a bowl over hot water:

When it turns to liquid:

Pour into jar - below is a left over caramalized onion chutney jar for those that REALLY wanted to know, you know you did.
I had a broken bit of wick that I recycle and used a bit of card to hold it in place:

Tah Dah! Look at me; I could almost pass for someone that knows what she is doing...


Thursday, 12 June 2014

It is nice to be nice

I try to be nice. I do. I give anything I am throwing out to charity. I make donations to various charities every month. I give to the homeless. I give to my work charity. I am polite and try to help others. I talk to the elderly. I talk to the crazy. I am kind to animals. Even flys and spiders. Seriously. I try. God loves a trier and every time I am nice it gets me another point into Heaven. Not that God keeps score. But I do, in case he rejects me and I have to argue my case.

Anyway my friend was talking about wanting a Disney t-shirt. Her whole family is going to Disneyland for the first time and never mind the children, SHE is super excited.

So whilst putting away my clothes last night I found this Minnie the Mouse T-shirt and I thought - you know what, I'm going to give her this, as she will love it for going to Disneyland.

Let's be honest here. You shouldn't really be wearing a Minnie the Mouse T-shirt unless you are going to Disneyland. We were all thinking it. I am saying it.

I left it on her desk at work and she was DELIGHTED with it. It gave me that warm fuzzy feel good feeling.

And the plus for me? It is one more thing OUT of my house and helping me towards getting more organised and de-cluttered. My friend is happy, I am happy and Mr Mars is happy (cos he hated it). Everyone is happy.


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

DIY Decopatch Box - passable fail?

This is not one of my better DIY projects. But I like to think I represent the "real" people who attempt DIY and not like these people where everything turns out amazing. All. The. Time. I hate those people... ... ... I'm totally not jealous. I'm not.

I had a small Blue nose bear gift box that I had been gifted. It was sturdy little box, but I'm out of that blue nose bear phase of my life (thankfully) so wanted to turn it into something I could put to use around the house...

Here is the finished product on top. Okay, from a distance and with some good filtering it does not look TOO bad, but the flaws are not clear in this picture (glue bubbles from FAR too much glue, missing gaps where I, well, missed bits). I THINK it is definitely a passable attempt! is.

Here is all my bits and bobs together. The pink sheet is where I cut the hearts from - let me re-phrase that - where I TRIED to cut the hearts from.

Cut up my gold sheet - to try and get the patchwork look. I got that all right...

Glued it on. Put glue on first then glue on top. Not error here - FAR TOO MUCH GLUE. Save your DIY - do not make this mistake.

Crap sponge brushes. Save you bank account - do not make this mistake, just use a regular brush.

And that is about it for this fail.
I do love it, though. Much like a mother loves her child's arts and crafts attempts. I Imagine this is similar to how I feel.
So It will be getting kept and put on display like the proud mother I am.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

It's the humidity...

Anyone remember this episode of friends:

Too funny. Anywhooo...

So after some posting on the Money Saving Expert forums (I highly recommend - great, helpful people), some super smart people mentioned that my clothes are not drying in my old, damp house due to the humidity - sacre bleu! How did I miss that? Are they geniuses or am I just an idiot? That is a rhetorical question, I don't need actual answers on that one...

Since I don't have the funds (or enough research) to purchase a de-humidifier right now, I've resorted to putting the heating up full, opening all the windows and trying to dry all my clothes....

Sorry about the poor quality picture, but erm, I can't take pictures (or good ones anyway). Check out my super sexy pyjamas - Mr Mars is a lucky, lucky man. Not.

Also note the three ceramic jars I've had for like 100 year... combined, they must hold around 40p.

The blue and white striped one is going to be the casualty subject of my next DIY project. Nothing like some glitter and white paint to sort out a hideous blue, black and white striped jar!!!


Monday, 9 June 2014

Crazy dieters = free yogurt for me!

Just when the rain is pouring down and you think it is going to another dull day, my friend in work gives me a nice big tub of yogurt that she purchased and her new diet does not allow! Let the record state that she does not need to be in a diet.

YES PLEASE! Poured it over my nutty muesli - YUM!


Sunday, 8 June 2014

And the gifts keep coming! Christmas in June?!

What a great weekend I have had! Fab day out with friends yesterday spent £28 in total for a full day out including wine and dinner! Then we went back to my friends house and she gave me some presents - amazing!

I said I would post about them all. And I have. It was like Christmas, well Mr Mars and I cancelled Christmas with everyone to save for our wedding, so it was BETTER than Christmas!

Here they are, all together. Lots of makeup, toiletries, a candle and a AMAZING picture!!! All for meeeeee! Am I relishing this? Well, yes! What a great friend I have - she is always very very generous. I am lucky to have her!

Got a Arran Aromatics gift box - After the rain. If you want to buy a reasonably priced Scottish gift for someone I highly recommend this stuff, made in Scotland, it is just LUSH and it smells amazing! I already have Arran Aromatics moisturisers (both face and body) and candles and Mr Mars loves our Vevet Isle pillar candle (also a gift)...although he pretends he does not!

Lots of Beauty UK blushers - I love things that you will always use like blushers. Lots of eyebrow things, a palette (which I already use) and eyebrow pencils! I have so much Beauty UK nail varnishes as well. Back in the "crazy debt days" I used to buy Nars (I love Nars) and Chanel nail varnishes, but then a friend gifted me some Beauty UK nail varnishes and they are BRILLIANT and about 1% of the cost of a Chanel nail varnish. The blushes are great too! I dropped and smashed my last blusher, I still have it, I am waiting until I have a tub I can put it in. Then I'll use it as a powder. Waste not want not!

Here is some more detail on my Arran Aromatics gift box:

Smells sooooooooooo good.

My candle, which I am not just saying because it was a gift, it one of my favourite smelling candles. I like candles that smell rich and luxurious, and not too flowery, kind of outdoorsy, it is just perfect:

My Beauty UK blusher and bronzer, and you can see my flowery pj bottoms in the mirrors :) I cannot wait to try the baked blusher at the right! But they are all getting put away good until I am finished with some of my other makeup! I no longer waste things you see. Before I would have had every item ripped open and used regardless is that meant opening 5 blushers with another 7 opened in my makeup box!

And lastly, I LOVE Highland Cows! I LOVE them. I always have. I have a teddy of a Highland Cow called Heather who comes places with me. I'd really been wanting a Highland Cow picture and my friend got me this by the Artist Elaine Johnston. She warned me that I better put it into a good photo frame! I was warned!! I just absolutely love this - I cannot say it any other way.

 Especially if we move abroad, I need my Highland cows with me.

Mr Mars and I went to Wholefoods today. There is a Morrisons next door so we topped up on our treats (cheese, beer and burgers) and then headed to Morrisons for an overdue HUGE (and expensive) shop. He is now cooking away in the kitchen whilst I eat my fancy cheese and every Sunday should be spent! I gave the Big Issue seller £2.50 and did not take the magazine, as I think I already have it. No matter how bad things have got, I've always had a home. Help the homeless, people.

I have sourced and detailed almost everything I got gifted for those interested. I like to look at stuff others got, I don't know why...I thought you might too.

Elaine Johnston picture:
