Saturday, 28 June 2014

It is the weekend! Time for some dark chocolate and raspberry muffins!

Morning All!

What a crazy week I have had. Anyway, I love a Saturday morning. You feel like you have the whole weekend ahead of you (all two days of it).

My weekend can be summarised like this:

Last night my work put free drinks on for everyone, you know, and then pretended they had not made 10, yes TEN (I thought it was 6 or 7), people redundant during the week. Fortunately I did not know the area (or anyone) that was impacted, but still, it is a horrible thing. I had some free drinks and a good catch up with some people. Believe it or not, it was nice.

I came home to Mr Mars who had made a sausage casserole (vegetarian sausage) and dark chocolate and raspberry muffins - picture below. They were delicious. A tad overdone but the moist raspberries in the inside made up for this. In doing so he used up some raspberries that were about to go off and some dark chocolate that has sat in our fridge for quite some time. High five for lack of wastage Mr Mars!

This morning I have put a wash out, just made some fresh coffee (I ground the beans and everything), have I mentioned Mr Mars and I are coffee and tea snobs? Comes from us both having worked in coffee shops during our uni days. I'll put a picture up another time, but if you want a good coffee in Glasgow you need to go to this place called Papercup. YUM. 

I'm just about to top up my GiffGaff mobile phone account. Then once my coffee fix kicks in and I am suitably wired, I'm planning on heading out for a run! :o)

Then it is off to Mr Mars' parents to celebrate his Dad's birthday and a belated Father's day. I need to buy cards. Going to possibly use the card below as a Father's day card. Because it is random and cool and I want to. Then off out for some dinner tonight!

Tomorrow we are off to Knockhill race circuit to watch some motorbikes...vvvvvrooooom! Don't know what Knockhill is? Link HERE. I'll hopefully get some pictures.

In amongst this I have been de-cluttering and offloading any item of clothing I remotely do not like/wear to the homeless shelter. I can hear the clothes quivering in the drawers with fear. It is time to get ruthless, people. If I do not have it, I cannot be lazy and just chuck it on. People have noticed a change in me already. You look well, they have said. All because I have been making the effort to put on my better clothes that suit and fit me and were not hand me downs, freebies or 20 years old. This and putting on some cheap Beauty UK eyeshadow. Do you know how many people commented on my eyeshadow? That I got for free, but even to buy only costs like £2.99?!? I was wearing earth child if anyone is interested. Pretend to be interested, please.

And that is this weekend's round up! Links, photos and all! I'm a good blogger aren't I?


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