Saturday, 20 June 2015

Upcycle: Coffee and Tea Jars

Okay, this is not technically DIY. More an upcycle?

When Mr Mars and I moved we got rid of most of our kitchen stuff. My old rusty IKEA tins got the bin (imagine these in Orange black and white: I then begrudged paying cold hard cash or warm plastic credit for something to go rusty again.

Then I had a brainwave... hold the applause... and I decided to use the old Douwe Egberts coffee jars that I kept my buttons and stuff in. I only had two of these, so I then went to the supermarket and bought another (we needed coffee anyway and Douwe Egberts is one of my preferred instant brands) it is expensive (compared to other instant brands) but if you wait until a special or offer you can get some good bargains.

I then had 3 big jars. Filled them with tea, grinded coffee and sugar, photo below. I also love loose tea as I got a cracking gift of a tea pot (I'll post another time) meant for fires and wood burners but I put it on my retro cooker hob, so I bought another small Douwe Egberts next time and filled that with my red bush tea leaves. Got another that I'm hoing to fill with my coconut chia tea leaves - it is lush, but it has caffeine in it, so is not my ideal pre bedtime drink.

I love them! They will go with any style of kitchen AND won't go rusty like metal containers!

When ready to re-use soak in hot soapy water and take the labels off, you may need to scrub/rub the glue.


Coconut Chia Tea waiting to be out into the jar (once it's emptied!)

Anyone got any other uses for their old coffee jars?


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