Only 4 months late...cos that's how I roll.
So I started our wedding thank you cards… this is getting posted about in 3 stages. I will do one all-inclusive post and pop it onto my DIY tab, but for now, time is a luxury I do not have, so I can only do some snippets. Some people would say forget sending the cards, but I really do like a thank you card. I just think it is nice.
We wanted to do our thank you cards a lot cheaper than the invites (as I ain't made of money) BUT I also think that thank you cards are peoples lasting impression of the wedding (or maybe it is just the crazy people in my head who think that) so I don’t want some cheap ass cards getting chucked out the door when we spent the equivalent of a house deposit on our wedding day (judge away - I don’t care).
So I went to a print shop (this one in Glasgow) and just got a nice, non-cheesy, no kissing, picture of us printed in black and white onto card and cut to postcard size (A6). I then ordered some Bordeaux envelopes (C6) from EBay (there are about 100 sellers and I cannot remember which one).
I then used the embossing stamp that we got MADE for our invites (Eve at WEDLOCO helped us do this). I love that we found a design and made it into a stamp. I feel like it became our wedding trade mark, along with our wax seal....more on that later.
Because I am 4 months late with them I also wrote a handwritten “Sorry it’s late…” on the bottom corner with an embossing pen, just to acknowledge that I know I am late and I’m sorry. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I AM SORRY.
A snippet (as I said I will do an all-inclusive post later):
For our labels we purchased some nice CLEAR labels from WH Smith (I'm sure you can get them cheaper but I'm Mrs Unorganised, remember?). With some Rennie Mackintosh font they will look BRILLIANT on the envelopes.
We kept a note of what everyone got us, so I will write personalised message on the back of the postcards – as I also think that is nice. A personalised touch goes a long way in my book (see my personalised wedding glasses HERE). I'm quite self absorbed so that might be why I love items with my personal touch brandished all over them...
A lot of people gave us cash as they knew we were moving abroad so it will be nice to say thanks for the cash, as we are now ACTUALLY moving abroad and are going to put it to good use! You think I could spin that as they reason I left it 4 months to do my thank you cards?!?!
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Friday, 25 July 2014
Commonwealth Games, a gubbed ankle and a new bike
much to update everyone on, but sooooooo little desire to type it. I’ll sum up
the 3 main things in my life at the minute!
Commonwealth Games have arrived to Glasgow and so far I have seen ZERO events
in person. House viewings and a hospital visit (gubbed ankle) have scuppered my
plans. Hopefully tomorrow (Saturday) I will get to go to Strathclyde Park and
watch the Triathlon and then the Marathon on Sunday morning.
As mentioned above, I've gubbed
my ankle. A silly run up and down Ben Lomond (for more info on Ben Lomond see HERE)
meant I tore my ligaments and ended up in crutches. We actually thought it was a
broken ankle; there was a rather large CRACK when I went over on it and it
started swelling up immediately (I aint lying - my brother started squirting
water from his water bottle onto my ankle as if this was going to stop the swelling,
bless, think I need more than water bro, this is not a “magic sponge at a football
match” type situation). A week later and I can walk fine now, but ankle is still
in a lot of pain and bruised. Dr advised absolutely NO running for 4-6 weeks and ESPECIALLY
not up and down Munro… spoil sport.
Those that
have been following will also know that this means my marathon plan on the 2nd
of August has also come to an abrupt end. It is amazing that you get really fit
and train for WEEKS and then one incident puts you out for weeks and ruins months
of plans. I’m not upset – it is just a race and a gubbed ankle. PERSPECTIVE,
people. I’m healthy (ish) and happy. It’s all good! PMA.
On the plus
side, I ate a full bag of Cadbury chocolate buttons and had a rather large
amount of red wine last night completely GUILT FREE. See, it is all about
perspective, people. :o)
Due to said
injury AND because I had actually mentioned it on the forums (those visiting
from MSE land) I was looking to get a new bike. No better time to get one when
you can no longer run and have scuppered all marathon chances…
I’ve bought
crap bikes before and I’ve bought super expensive bikes also (crazy debt days). Both are a waste of
time for the kind of usage I will be doing. I was like Goldie Locks and her
porridge...not too expensive...but not too cheap. It had to be just on Budget…
After much
searching Mr Mars and I happened across this bike, which of course, due to halving
in price, sold out pretty quickly. Down to £200 and then with a 10% sale I got
it for £180. I literally think I got the last one in Glasgow. As we checked all
stores and eventually managed to track it down in Paisley, where I think it was
the last one.
I LOVE it.
I would have taken any design, the budget was the concern, so I feel I have lucked out that it also looks pretty good. Where we are moving to, apparently public transport is not great, so cars and bikes
are the main forms of transport (I will never moan about UK public transport
again). Hopefully this will also get LOTS of use when we move next month (4 weeks
today!!!) and not just to cross train on.
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Christmas continues with some healthy eating
Hi All,
No money saving, no DIY jobs. Nothing. What a crap blog this is turning out to be!
My posting has become minimal on all forums, of any sort, and considering Mr Mars and I are emigrating abroad next month, and move out of our house in 3.5 weeks time, it looks like posting will be minimal for the foreseeable future.
We are haemorrhaging money, which is another issue altogether. But the focus for the minute is to get some visas and make it out of the country. My simple mind can only focus on one thing at a time.
We leave next month to travel across America for over a month before we then move to the other side of the world. I am terrified. My unorganised self has gone too far this time. We have our flights booked, where we got the bargain of the century (I will dedicate a post to these flights) and we are staying in a rather nice hotel in Chicago (also bargain buy - the perks of having jobs where Mr Mars and I travelled a lot). But beyond that we have nothing planned. NOTHING. Is anyone else panicking about this for me? As I think someone should be!
So, as you know, I am trying to get some Christmas presents sorted before we go. I know this is the last thing I should be thinking about - but sometimes crazy people need something to occupy their mind. This is my thing.
So, the author of this book happens to live where I grew up and works in the building next to me. He has a sign up in the building promoting the book and if you want it signed he will come meet you to do so - how nice is that? Obviously promoting the book, but I still think it's nice.
My Father-in-law is very into books. He loves thrillers and especially likes books that are by local or Scottish authors. I know this as I borrow most of his books after him, and every time I do, I get all the details on where the author lives and where the books are based, so I just know he is going to love this gift:
So I've ordered the book and am going to get him to write a personalised message for my Father-in-law. I've not decided whether it will 100% be for Christmas so I'll get the author to write "hope you enjoy your gift". Generic and covers me for any occasion. Mr Mars wants a copy too, but at £10 a book he can borrow his dads!
Healthy Eating:
My eating has been pretty bad recently, just with everything going on. I really notice it in my energy levels and exercise. So last night Mr Mars went out and bought a super-food extravaganza!
We had a rainbow salad with quinoa, topped with organic Herby Olive Oil (I bought a bottle, along with some organic balsamic vinegar in a little shop in North Scotland and it is HEAVEN), we then had some piri piri hummus and normal hummus with it and mini pittas. I was so hungry I forgot to take a photograph...
We then had some fresh blueberries with some Mango flavoured natural yogurt - this was my dessert (check out the vintage bowls that were my grans):
YUM. Today my mate is taking me for lunch. I, of course, forgot about this and brought in lunch. Have I mentioned I am unorganised? I seriously think I need to bring the file-o-fax back into my life. But he is infamous for cancelling so I would rather have my backup pasta which I can eat tomorrow than not bring anything. Need to try and retain some control over our finances at the minute.
No money saving, no DIY jobs. Nothing. What a crap blog this is turning out to be!
My posting has become minimal on all forums, of any sort, and considering Mr Mars and I are emigrating abroad next month, and move out of our house in 3.5 weeks time, it looks like posting will be minimal for the foreseeable future.
We are haemorrhaging money, which is another issue altogether. But the focus for the minute is to get some visas and make it out of the country. My simple mind can only focus on one thing at a time.
We leave next month to travel across America for over a month before we then move to the other side of the world. I am terrified. My unorganised self has gone too far this time. We have our flights booked, where we got the bargain of the century (I will dedicate a post to these flights) and we are staying in a rather nice hotel in Chicago (also bargain buy - the perks of having jobs where Mr Mars and I travelled a lot). But beyond that we have nothing planned. NOTHING. Is anyone else panicking about this for me? As I think someone should be!
So, as you know, I am trying to get some Christmas presents sorted before we go. I know this is the last thing I should be thinking about - but sometimes crazy people need something to occupy their mind. This is my thing.
So, the author of this book happens to live where I grew up and works in the building next to me. He has a sign up in the building promoting the book and if you want it signed he will come meet you to do so - how nice is that? Obviously promoting the book, but I still think it's nice.
My Father-in-law is very into books. He loves thrillers and especially likes books that are by local or Scottish authors. I know this as I borrow most of his books after him, and every time I do, I get all the details on where the author lives and where the books are based, so I just know he is going to love this gift:
So I've ordered the book and am going to get him to write a personalised message for my Father-in-law. I've not decided whether it will 100% be for Christmas so I'll get the author to write "hope you enjoy your gift". Generic and covers me for any occasion. Mr Mars wants a copy too, but at £10 a book he can borrow his dads!
Healthy Eating:
My eating has been pretty bad recently, just with everything going on. I really notice it in my energy levels and exercise. So last night Mr Mars went out and bought a super-food extravaganza!
We had a rainbow salad with quinoa, topped with organic Herby Olive Oil (I bought a bottle, along with some organic balsamic vinegar in a little shop in North Scotland and it is HEAVEN), we then had some piri piri hummus and normal hummus with it and mini pittas. I was so hungry I forgot to take a photograph...
We then had some fresh blueberries with some Mango flavoured natural yogurt - this was my dessert (check out the vintage bowls that were my grans):
YUM. Today my mate is taking me for lunch. I, of course, forgot about this and brought in lunch. Have I mentioned I am unorganised? I seriously think I need to bring the file-o-fax back into my life. But he is infamous for cancelling so I would rather have my backup pasta which I can eat tomorrow than not bring anything. Need to try and retain some control over our finances at the minute.
Thursday, 10 July 2014
DIY: Re-juvenated coasters
This weeked I used some of Mr Mars leftover paint from his Ray-Bans re-vamp, see HERE, and re-vamped some nasty
coasters I had from my “Girl Power” days.
They were bright pink and had the
words Cleavage and Knickers and G&T etc all over them. I am still all for “Girl
Power” I just no longer feel that I need the colour pink and the words Cleavage and Knickers
to do so.
After about 4 coats of primer you can still see the gastly words...
Take some leftover black matt paint (left one):

You end up with gloops and blotches like any other paint job, ohh dear.
I originally just wanted to paint them matt black, because I'm boring like that. But my black paint mess ups meant I felt I needed something to hide the damage. As these were not looking good, so far...
Step forward some old glitter spray (see picture above, can on the right) that I THOUGHT was silver and glitter, but after a patch test turned out to be clear spray with some glitter. Perfect.
Some uneven glitter spraying...
I actually like that they look uneven, I'm not a matchy matchy kind of person. I think I realised a long time ago that I would unlikely get things perfect, ever, therefore have embraced the imperfections!
Once dried I put the bottom back on to them with some super glue:
Turns out the superglue was not great for this. I've put some mod podge on one of them and that seems to have worked the best! Live and learn...
And there you have it! Some leftover paint and some old coasters and I have some AWESOME coasters, I think.
Admit it. Addddddddddddmit it. These look not bad, eh?
I have got to say these turned out MUCH better than I ever expected! And all made with things we already had – expect the black paint that Mr Mars bought at £4.99 for his Ray-Bans!
The clear glitter spray hides a multitude of sins, something I will likely invest in again. I will have a house of glitter!
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Baby Shower Fun!
I had much fun at a baby shower on Saturday!
Apologies, my Sunday was filled up with marathon training and DIY, and then I was back to work yesterday, so I am only just posting the pictures of this.
The girls who organised it did very well, although they must have spent a small fortune! Buffet, cake, soft drinks, decorations and unlimited prosecco. Glad it was not me :o)
What a great day! A great crowd of girls with some right old characters! There was one lady who kept telling everyone about her vagina. Yes, that is right, I said vagina. I'm not a prude by any means, so this did not bother me, but I do think there is a time and a place for these kind of discussions; whilst I am eating my pink and blue cake at a baby shower, ain't it! Got to love the characters, though, they keep everything interesting!
When you cut inside it was pink AND blue sponge (as she does not know what she is having).
Prosecco was on tap, along with a brilliant and superbly thought out buffet (all dietry requirements were considered) being veggie I had LOTS of options. YUM. Bravo ladies.
Inside the favours...
Jelly babies and a baby powder candle! How cute!
Saturday was topped off by Mr Mars and I cashing in a wedding voucher at Arisaig Restaurant in Merchant Square, Glasgow. Fabulous Scottish Food - just amazing! The Crannachan Ice-cream at the end was my favourite. Nothing like some good food and wine to top off an already great day!
Total cost of day out - £5 tip at restaurant! Does not get much better than that!
Monday, 7 July 2014
Mr Mars does DIY: Re-vamped Ray-Ban Sunglasses
Mr Mars had been gifted the following Red Ray-Ban sunglasses:
As much as he loved them, there is the small issue that they are RED and he only really wore them to a festivals etc. But he really liked them and they are "comfortable", apparently.
So he decided he was going to paint them black...
He took some Matt Black Paint (£4.99) and some old Penny Bronze Metallic Paint (£?)...
He then took an old metal coat hanger. And after removing the lenses' he spray painted the frames the matt black (this was outdoors in our garage)...
Then Mr Mars painted the detailing back onto the glasses, he painted the Ray-Ban back on at the sides and the wee bits at the front, all in the metallic bronze...
(Mr Mars hard at work)
He then used a heat gun to get the lenses back into the frames, he followed a You Tube video for this (sorry, I do not have the link). Thankfully we already had a heat gun as we made our own wedding invites, gun was approx £15 from EBay.
Tah Dah...
How cool do these look? He was off wearing them to work today...
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Christmas shopping continues...
Next up - My Mother in Law!
My mother in law and I share a mutual love of bedtime rituals. Have I mentioned I'm mildly obsessed with sleep? Pretty sure I have. I'm going to do a post on it.
The ritual includes; hot water bottles, tea, candles and books. I recently got a electric blanket with Tesco vouchers and it is AMAZING, upon discussing this (whilst filling our hot water bottles at their house on night) she mentioned she really really wants one and knows she would love it. Hint taken!
She might go buy one, but I am going to hold off until August and see how many Tesco vouchers we have and get one for her! I think I will only have like £2 but better than me spending that £2! Once I get I'll tell Father in law and hopefully he can hold her off! Electric blanket I have HERE:
Christmas list, people left:
My Dad (saw a jacket for him)
My Mum
Father in Law
2 x older nephews (likely cash, usually £20, although I'm thinking of putting it down to £10? Too cheap? There are nieces and nephews popping out everywhere now, it is starting to get too much, so I'm going to suggest a £10 for everyone rule)
3 x toddler niece and nephews (above £10 rule)
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Hey you guys!

I have
nothing to say – how is that for a blog post?
kidding! It is my mum and dads anniversary today. Quick lunchtime trip to the
Card Factory and a £1.18 spent on an anniversary card AND a birthday card
(gotta love the card factory) and I am sorted. I will take them out for dinner on Friday.
I want to
make my own cards one day – something I’ve got to try. I will try and fail and
post all about it. It will be fun.
Mr Mars is
a grumpy m*thaf*kka recently. Fortunately – I take crap from no-one – so he got
a severe telling off. I nearly put him on the naughty seat but then decided that
would be probable cause for a divorce…
What else?
Bounce Back Tiger has been collected – took ALL my willpower not to rip
that box open, blow up Tiger and wack Mr Mars over the head with him. Put.
Tiger. Back. Into. The. Box. Mrs Mars.
Both Tiger
and Mr Mars will never know how lucky they were! Certain death for the
both of them… … …
Anyway, I
promise I will start posting some productive DIY/repair posts, just trying to
get some order in my life. I plan to do a shed load of DIY before we go on move so I shall record it all.
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